AIMSupt. Monthly | August 2020 | Issue 8

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AIMSupt. Monthly  

August 2020 | Issue 8



I am excited to announce that our petitions for charter renewals have been successfully submitted. Pursuant to new California legislation AB 1505, we are requesting renewal terms for AIMS Middle School at 7 years and AIMS High School at 5 years. We are looking forward to presenting to the Oakland Unified School District Board of Education on November 4th.

Since our founding in 1996, AIMS has continuously improved and evolved to meet the growing needs of Oakland’s most underserved families. Today, AIMS is providing rigorous academic programs and has expanded to include enrichment programs such as athletics, orchestra, language programs, and our most recently launched College Pathways programs.

While I could tell you all about how proud I am of what we’ve accomplished at AIMS, who can better tell the AIMS story than our parents, students, teachers, and leadership who make it all possible.

Supporting Frontline Working Families

As a first responder, Sabine Innocent is a mother at the frontlines of the ongoing pandemic. Her daughter Zoey was staying with her grandparents, but issues with the internet connection made her worry that she’d fall behind in her classes. Zoey recently began attending our small cohort of in-person distance learning support. Sabine was relieved to know that Zoey had a safe space to focus on her studies and that the AIMS staff was there to support them both.

Zoey came to AIMS after feeling unchallenged at the private school she previously attended. Since being at AIMS Sabine shared, “I have seen her blossom and be super excited to be challenged. Everyone should be able to have this - not just people who can pay for it.”

Zoey - AIMS 6th Grader, Future Obstetrician

Zoey has always had a passion for math and science. A class project prompted her to look into possible career paths. Not only did her presentation include ten extra PowerPoint slides, she also decided to pursue a career as an obstetrician since she wanted to help women and their babies. Her math and science teacher, Ms. Crowley, has helped her along the way, “[She] helps me a lot - with anything I missed or didn’t understand in class. She’d help me after classes or would email me if I couldn’t make office hours.”

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A Supportive School Home for Our Students With the Highest Needs

Raechelle Durr is the proud mother to three AIMS middle and high schoolers. While Raechelle’s family didn’t have a lot of opportunities for postsecondary education, her ambitious energy led her to successfully become a pharmacy technician. It is her hope that her children can succeed even further, in anything they want and love to do.

Raechelle came to AIMS after multiple schools failed to support her son who showed signs of a speech impairment as early as pre-kindergarten. It was the support from the teachers at AIMS that made the difference, “Ms. Chau kept trying to help and communicated with us a lot. Whether meeting with him after school on set days or texting him to check-in.” Raechelle’s daughter, Aniya, also benefited from additional 1-1 support. Aniya shared, “The whole class can be overwhelming but I like how the teachers work with me individually. I like to go after school or lunch for help or to check-in.”

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Learning from Our Students

Ms. Spencer began teaching at AIMS in 2013 and currently teaches History and English Language Arts at the Middle School. Ms. Spencer is excited to be a part of a school culture that sets students up for lifelong success, “With a school culture of high standards, it better prepares students for college so that they don’t fail in the first year. It reduces their likelihood of giving up.”

Mr. Arce teaches AP World History, Latin & Logic at the high school. Working with a diverse international student body has expanded his approach to teaching, “It pushed me creatively as an educator. When students aren’t understanding a lesson, I have to approach it differently. I also learn myself.”

Rooted in Love for Our Community

A first-generation college graduate and proud community college alum, AIMS Board Director Adrien Abuyen grew up in a family that instilled strong community values. While attending Peralta community college, Adrien learned that he could create a meaningful career path that strived to make positive change while working alongside his community.

What he appreciates about his role on the AIMS Board of Directors is, “The opportunity to bridge the gap through intergenerational collaboration. We all become better through understanding each other’s experiences.” Through this work, Adrien strives to answer, “How can we change and tailor the educational experience for students who are hurting, so that they have the best chance to change their lives?”.

Leading with Dedication and Compassion

Mr. Maurice Williams is a product of Oakland public schools. He began teaching at our elementary, taught at our middle and high school, but today he is our head of AIMS High School. Mr. Williams shared, “I want students to have better opportunities than I had growing up and to make their education experiences more meaningful, rewarding, and relevant.”

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Mr. Peter Holmquist, our head of AIMS Middle School, has worked with young people on an international scale, but he sees the work being done at AIMS as truly unique. He shared, “AIMS produces students who are prepared for a full range of career and college options. This is a hard trajectory, but students are not traveling it alone - not just with adults but with their peers as well.”

Mr. Christopher Ahmad, our head of Elementary, has taught in Korea and across the Bay Area. He hopes to instill in his students the value of working hard to become the best version of themselves. Mr. Ahmad shared, “AIMS is a place where students can learn the skills they need to be successful in life and we do not give up on our students - ever.”

Lifting Up the Next Generation of Leaders

Annie Chiu first came to AIMS in the 6th grade. Today she serves as our High School student government president. Annie credits her teachers, peers, and the leadership team at AIMS for helping her to embark on a trajectory she would not have pursued otherwise. Prior to AIMS, Annie did not feel very motivated in school - now she is setting her sights to pursue Business law at one of her dream schools including Stanford, UC Berkeley, or the University of Southern California.

Annie felt that being at AIMS helped her expand her vision for success, “AIMS has shown me that I don’t have to be limited, I can succeed in multiple areas. We are encouraged to think outside the box and together we learned to navigate the issues that come with being a charter school full of minority students.”

AIMS Represents Oakland in Statewide 2020-21 Race To Submit Campaign

The Race to Submit is a statewide initiative by the California Department of Education’s California Student Aid Commission. Every year they honor the top schools across the state with the highest number of financial aid application completion rates. Out of 24 schools to be recognized this year, AIMS is the only school in Oakland and one of three schools in the Bay Area to receive this honor. College access is an integral part of our AIMS mission and we could not be more excited to receive this honor from the state.

Family Feedback on School Reopening

With newly released guidance from the Alameda County Office of Education, we are determining the best course of action for school reopening. Our most recent survey to families showed that approximately 80% of respondents were more comfortable with continuing distance learning through the fall with the possibility of coming back to in-person instruction in January. We look forward to sharing our plans for reopening once we gather further input from our families and staff. Our number one goal is to ensure the health and safety of our entire AIMS family.

AIMS is breaking generational cycles of poverty and achieving results for student populations that have been left out of educational opportunities. Beyond academic performance, we are instilling values in our students such as excellence, empathy, family, community, and legacy. We aim to leave a positive and long-lasting impact for all of our students, families, and our entire community. I hope you can join us in support to #RenewAIMSTRONG so that we can continue to change lives and serve Oakland families for another 25 years to come.



Maya Woods-Cadiz
AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District
