About AIMS College Prep ELD Department
The AIMS ELD department serves more than 300 students in our district who are actively learning English as a second (or third or fourth) language. Our English Learner (EL) students and their families make up one of the most valued parts of our AIMS community. The AIMS ELD department strives to provide the resources and instruction that will ensure their success in school and beyond.
See ELD Newsletter featured in AIMS Eagle Talk Magazine!

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC/DELAC)
The ELAC is a group at each school site that has parent members who give feedback and approval on the plans and services that AIMS provides for EL students. All parents of EL students are invited to run for this committee as well as the district-level committee, DELAC.
Click here for minutes from the most recent ELAC meeting
Click here for minutes from the most recent DELAC meeting
Recordings of ELAC/DELAC Informational Meeting
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