The list below displays the most common services* that are indicated on a student's IEP and the personnel qualified to provide them:

Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) – This service is performed by a credentialed special education teacher or an instructional aide under the supervision of a special education teacher. SAI is the comprehensive, specialized academic and/or behavioral instruction a student may require.

Speech and Language Therapy – This service is performed by a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) or Speech and Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) under the supervision of the SLP. This service may include teaching articulation of sounds, expressive and receptive language, and pragmatic skills. Some students may have this service alone on their IEPs, while others may have it combined with other services, such as SAI.

Occupational Therapy (OT) – This service is performed by an Occupational Therapist (OT) or Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) under the supervision of an OT. This service may include sensory integration and/or fine motor skills, such as handwriting.

Educationally-Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) – ERMHS are offered for students who require additional support, such as counseling, individual counseling, and guidance, in order for them to function socially and emotionally within the school environment and to access their education program.

*Note: This is not a comprehensive list and does not reflect the full continuum of services. AIMS will provide placement in a more restrictive setting once the IEP team has determined that a student requires such level of support.