Update: Lunch Program Information during School Closure | 更新:學校關閉期間的午餐計劃信息 | Actualización: Información del programa de almuerzo durante el cierre de la escuela

Dear AIMS Families,

Due to the new countywide shelter-in-place order, we are no longer able to serve lunch to our students and families during the closure. Today, less than 5 families attended to our lunch program in High School. We will reach out to those families individually. For families who may need free meals, please refer to the below information.

Information from OUSD:



12 School Sites to Offer Free Grab and Go Meals for Students
During the COVID-19 closure, our Nutrition Services Department will open twelve schools throughout the city where “Grab and Go” breakfast and lunch meals will be available for our students. The sites listed below will be open at the following times and children will be able to pick up multiple days worth of food to take home.

  • Northwest/West Oakland: Sankofa Elementary, West Oakland Middle School and Hoover Elementary

  • Central Oakland: Oakland High School and Garfield Elementary

  • East Oakland: Bret Harte Middle School, Life Academy/United for Success, Coliseum College Preparatory Academy, Madison Park Upper, Fremont High School, Castlemont High School and Elmhurst United Middle School

  • Monday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (3 breakfasts/3 lunches per student)

  • Thursday: 8:00 am -12:00 pm (2 breakfasts/2 lunches per student)

  • Food is available to any child under 18.

  • Please bring a grocery bag or cooler to bring food home for the week.

Additionally, all families are welcome to come and get a box lunch from First AME Oakland.
Place:         First AME Oakland
Address:    530 37th Street, Oakland, CA 94609
Time:         Tuesday and Friday, 12-1 pm
                   Wednesday 5-6 pm

Thank you very much.







西北/西奧克蘭:Sankofa Elementary, West Oakland Middle School and Hoover Elementary
奧克蘭中心地區:Oakland High School and Garfield Elementary
東奧克蘭:Bret Harte Middle School, Life Academy/United for Success, Coliseum College Preparatory Academy, Madison Park Upper, Fremont High School, Castlemont High School and Elmhurst United Middle School

星期一:上午8:00-下午12:00(每名學生3份早餐/ 3份午餐)
星期四:上午8:00至下午12:00(每人2份早餐/ 2份午餐)

此外,歡迎所有家庭前來First AME Oakland領取食物。
地點:First AME Oakland
地址:530 37th Street, Oakland, CA 94609
   星期三 下午5-6點


Estimadas familias de AIMS:

Debido a la nueva orden de refugio en el lugar en todo el condado, ya no podemos servir almuerzos a nuestros estudiantes y familias durante el cierre. Hoy, menos de 5 familias asistieron a nuestro programa de almuerzo en la escuela secundaria. Nos comunicaremos con esas familias individualmente. Para las familias que pueden necesitar comidas gratis, consulte la siguiente información.

Información del OUSD:



12 sitios escolares para ofrecer comidas gratis para llevar a los estudiantes

Durante el cierre de COVID-19, nuestro Departamento de Servicios de Nutrición abrirá doce escuelas en toda la ciudad donde se ofrecerán desayunos y almuerzos "Grab and Go" para nuestros estudiantes. Los sitios que se enumeran a continuación estarán abiertos en los siguientes horarios y los niños podrán recoger varios días de comida para llevar a casa.

Noroeste / West Oakland: Primaria Sankofa, West Oakland Middle School y Hoover Elementary

Central Oakland: Oakland High School y Garfield Elementary

East Oakland: Bret Harte Middle School, Life Academy / United for Success, Coliseum College Preparatory Academy, Madison Park Upper, Fremont High School, Castlemont High School y Elmhurst United Middle School

Lunes: 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. (3 desayunos / 3 almuerzos por estudiante)

Jueves: 8:00 am -12: 00 pm (2 desayunos / 2 almuerzos por estudiante)

La comida está disponible para cualquier niño menor de 18 años.

Por favor traiga una bolsa de supermercado o un refrigerador para llevar comida a casa durante la semana.


Además, todas las familias pueden venir y recibir un almuerzo de First AME Oakland.
Lugar: Primer AME Oakland
Dirección: 530 37th Street, Oakland, CA 94609
Hora: martes y viernes, 12-1 pm
           Miércoles 5-6 pm
