Educational Continuity Preparedness Plan


High quality student learning is our top priority at AIMS, even in this new normal of distance learning. We prepared and moved quickly to put systems in place that would ensure that our students could continue to access the same high level instructional quality they receive at school, to continue at home. All of our students were provided with chromebooks and our staff verified that each student had internet access at home or had the support to get set up with free internet access.

We wanted to share our Educational Continuity Preparedness Plan (ECPP). This report outlines our foundational, short-term, and long-term preparedness plans, as well as our policies for attendance and online grading. We also included an overview of the extra support we are providing to our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and to our parents and families.

These are not easy times to navigate but, we also know that our families count on us to keep their students engaged and continuing in their studies, so that they do not fall behind. Our strategic response made it possible for our students to move to distance learning smoothly, and helped us maintain a 90% virtual attendance rate. It is our duty to make sure our students continue to thrive, and we will always honor that commitment even when we all can't be together in the classroom.

From our AIMS family - we hope that you, your family, and community are all safe and well.

We’re stronger together - and together we’re #AIMSTRONG!     



Maya Woods-Cadiz

AIMS K-12 College Prep Charter District